Our Mission
Through the use of Bikes, Boats, Bait and HOPE, our mission is to advance the fight against cancer, inspiring every person we meet to join in our efforts!

What happens when you put a fishing rod in the hands of Pan Mass Challenge Riders and Volunteers...?
< Team Scrawney-Morgan riding to hook-a-cure
A message from Pat Morris, Co-Chair
When cancer took some of the people we loved most in this world...the Pan-Mass Challenge Bike Ride to benefit the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, became our 2nd family. It was a wonderful place to find like-minded folks who had a passion to end the scourge of cancer. Though the PMC Rides were terrific and helped us raise over $200,000 since 2013, I always felt like a key element was missing in our mission...we had the Bikes and HOPE... now it was becoming time to add Boats and Bait!
My husband, Russell Morris, was a passionate recreational fisherman. We traveled everywhere with a camera and fishing gear "just in case". He enjoyed introducing people to the sport he loved most, and above all enjoyed getting kids hooked on the joy of surfcasting. The North Shore coastline was his home away from home. When cancer came for him in 2013, I swore I'd raise a million dollars in his memory before my journey was over...and little did I know what this quiet promise would bring.
After Russell's death, our small band of warriors formed The Friends of Scrawney-Morgan... so named after our basement bar where everyone truly DOES know your name! Since 2013, between the PMC Riding Team, forming the Cape Ann Kids PMC, the Scrawney-Morgan Jimmy Fund Walk Team and now the Hook-A-Cure Fishing Tournament, we have raised over $230,000.00 for cancer research! But our mission growth doesn't end there.
The financial devastation a cancer diagnosis can bring is breathtaking. We decided to make our efforts a two-pronged plan. First raising unrestricted funds for Dana-Farber to help them with the astounding Cancer research they do each day. Second is partnering with former New England Patriot, Joe Andruzzi, whose Foundation's mission mirrors ours on a grander scale. Working together we hope to expand our reach and ability to help others.
So, what better way to honor Russell's memory, than by going fishing, having fun, meeting new friends, winning prizes, and working together to OBLIVIATE cancer from all of our lives once and for all!
Come join us, cast your line into the wind and help us hook a cure together!