REGION: North Shore
COMPANY: Partner for HOPE
My family and I have lost a grandfather, a grandmother, a father, several uncles and aunts, cousins, a brother-in-law, children, numerous friends and above all - the love of my life, my husband Russell to cancer. I simply say it's time to OBLIVIATE it once and for all! We created Hook-A-Cure to honor Russell's passion for fishing. Fighting cancer is a serious mission, however it doesn't mean we can't have fun doing it!

REGION: Cape Cod
COMPANY: Harriet Sesen Consultants, Inc. Art Consultants

For as long as I can remember, Cancer, the “Big C” has been a frightening factor, in all our lives. It has touched those near and dear to us. After the loss of my mother, cancer became my cause of choice. Through the years, The Pan Mass Challenge, Jimmy Fund Walk, co- founding the Joe Cronin Memorial Jimmy Fund Fishing Tournament, have all brought me great personal fulfillment. As a recent cancer survivor, I am so pleased to now also support Hook-A-Cure, consummating our ongoing mission to OBLIVIATE CANCER in our lifetime.

REGION: North Shore
COMPANY/ROLE: Cape Ann Kids PMC/Captain Boat Sign-Ups
I will always love my Grampy.
He's why we started the Cape Ann Kids PMC.
He's why I've ridden the adult PMC.
He's why I walk the JF Walk.
He's why I do it all.
I won't stop until Cancer is gone.
Because I will always love my Grampy,
and I do it for him.
And I love my Captains who donate so much for our event!

REGION: Cape Cod

Since retiring from the Military, I have found what gives me the greatest satisfaction is just helping out. Be it Wreaths Across America to numerous cancer philanthropies, I do whatever I can, it's who I am. Hook-A-Cure is the latest venture and one we all want to grow to become a powerful fighter in the cancer battle. I'm all in!

REGION: South Shore
COMPANY: Team Scrawney-Morgan

My professional background is an analyst for a non profit health insurer. My personal experience as a mother, godmother, niece and friend to those struck by cancer is my source of inspiration in supporting our cause. In addition to Hook a Cure, I am also a PMC rider (7 years), and co-chair of Cape Ann Kids PMC.

REGION: Boston
Like so many others, I'm so damn tired of seeing people I know, love and respect affected by cancer. It feels like it has reached a point where it's nearly impossible to keep track of who hasn't been directly affected in some way, and I hope I live to see a time where we no longer have to feel this pain. Anything I can do to help see that through, I'm in for.

REGION: Mid-Atlantic / Florida
ROLE: Event Planner

Retired software development executive and resident “geek”. Russell was my Brother-in-Law and I have too many other family members and friends lost to this insidious disease so how could I refuse my sister?

REGION: Boston
COMPANY/ROLE: MIT Police - Retired/Program

Over the years too many tears have rolled over my cheeks at the loss of friends taken too soon in life because of the horrific disease called cancer. The prayers for those in treatment and support for their families, I knew more could be done. There is solace on the ocean and what better way to help conquer cancer than being involved with Hook A Cure. As a retired community policing Officer being involved with problem solving is like having a rod and reel in your hand, it’s an easy way to give back.

ROLE: Marketing + Social Media

After losing too many family members and friends to the disease, joining the cause in memory of my Uncle Russie was a no brainer. An active member of Relay for Life in my high school and college career, this was the perfect way to get involved post grad. Food Marketer in Nashville, TN by day. Plus I’m a Millennial- so that means I’m good a social media, right? #GoBirds

REGION: North Shore
COMPANY: KJS Associates

No one person is immune to this disease. I have lost family, great friends and co-workers to cancer. I also can rejoice in the beating of cancer, by family, friends and co-workers. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t even need to beat cancer! We could just live in a world without it! One of my very dear friends that I lost to this disease, loved fishing and loved showing some of my children the thrill of fishing. What better way of honoring his memory than to have a fishing tournament to help obliviate this horrible disease.

REGION: North Shore
COMPANY: Surfside Travel

I’ve lost many family and friends to this vicious disease. In 2004, It was my mother in March, my Uncle Al in May, and my friend Pattie (49 years old) all passing away from different forms of cancer. Raising money for the Dana Farber's world renown research is one way we contribute. Joining forces with the Joe Andruzzi Foundation is the other. The JAF helps people undergoing treatment with the financial devastation. A person can lose everything to this diagnosis. That's why I'm here. Together we make a difference—Let's Hook-A-Cure!

ROLE: Logistics - Board

For thousands of years a pestilence on humanity has recklessly and indiscriminately ripped the cherished from the loving arms of family and friends. No one has been immune from this pervasive threat. Now, for the first time in human existence, weapons for destroying the cancer scourge is within reach and hope is displacing despair. Together our collective, and labors and talents are leading to the final vanquishment. Supporting the Scrawney-Morgan Foundation and Hook-A-Cure mission is a fulfilling and selfless dedication to the future of all of our children and humankind.

REGION: New Hampshire
ROLE: Community Outreach / Auction - Raffle
After losing both family members and close friends to this insipid disease, we all need to take a stand and do our part. As part of the founding family of the Joe Cronin Memorial Fishing Tournament and having taken an active roll in the Jimmy Fund Walk, I hope I have, in a small way, taken an active roll in this war against cancer. If we all do what we can, no matter how big or small, we will wipe this scourge from the face of the earth. I do this in memory of my Nana and my “brother”, Buff and all the others who have hope.