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Cancer Doesn't Sit on Hold: UPDATE 5/20/2020


Due to the continual changing and shifting circumstances in regards to COVID-19 we have made the difficult decision to postpone our 3rd Annual Hook A Cure Event to next year. The event will now be held on July 16th, 2021. We will be honoring all 2020 ticket holders including anglers at our 2021 event. If there are any questions whatsoever do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are working very hard to find new ways to connect and fundraise to meet our mission during this tumultuous and difficult time. Cancer does not sit on hold. Not all hope is lost, our committee, the Scrawney-Morgan Foundation, is working hard to plan an alternate series of fundraising events starting in the Fall to be known as the Saving the Day event series. The first event will hopefully take place on October 8th, 2020 in conjunction with True North Ale Company in Ipswich. We are looking forward to a social fundraiser including a raffle and other activities. Details to follow! We want to thank wholeheartedly all of our partners including the many charters who donate their time to our organization. Without your donations and dedication the Hook A Cure event would not be possible. To show our appreciation we will be unveiling a charter directory page on our site so that our visitors can easily contact and may choose to utilize their services this season and for years to come. 

We are also excited to announce that one of our charter captains, Johnny Johnson captain of the Subdivider also known as the Gloucester Charter Connections, will be featured in a brand new Discovery Channel series called "All on the Line". The series will focus on the fishermen's’ quest to snag the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. The show will premiere May 22nd, 2020 9pm ET/PT. We hope you all will tune-a, ahem, I mean tune-in! Through the use of Bikes, Boats, Bait, and HOPE, our mission is to advance the fight against cancer, inspiring every person we meet to join in our efforts! Thank you for your continued support we hope to see you all soon. Stay and be well. 



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